Un disque dans lequel je ne plaçais pas beaucoup d’espoir…
Et j’avais tort évidemment. Une bombe, du chaud bouillant à ne pas prendre de pleine main.
La « phase » Cortez avec un très beau centreur :
Le trio ne contient qu’une seule guitar, totally saturated, which covers the compound of a mist which give off a melancholy melody supported by a screamo song, profit placed. The batter is mixed it as well without the sauce, as the singer, not denote. Cortez plays, in a unique way, between Noise and Emo sizzling between massiveness and exhilarating flight. To discover urgently!
Face Ventura, alternative rock: A first
noisecore'n'roll very, very punk, very bouncy and it is believed the New School Hardcore with Beecher, Dead for a minute, Breach ... rock version. And a second
enough Emo to At the Drive-in in less nian nian, there is more focus Raein ie a clean guitar with an echo softly, a song dialogue, andante tempo, this track ends on a solo exultoire any beauty.
In summary, Cortez is for me a unique group in its own way to produce an aggressive sound that stays audible and trip (without starting own in the trances to Noise), which released a record in the name of the Initial Discharge (The cover is gorgeous, album a bit hard to hear out of bed).
Ventura has released an album that I listen Pa Copan, as their is alternative rock.
A 10''therefore, to start the year, which tasted like "a piece of bitter chocolate."
Get A Life Records
e- Vinyl (official supplier!)