Nathalie, Andrew, Eugene and I were present at the Board of Administration
Approval of Minutes of September 17, 2010
Thanking Secretary for agreeing to forward the draft minutes to Board of Directors with notice of the meeting we make the following remarks:
Regarding point No. 2 on the Garden tours
We hope that the position we have expressed or shown in PV:
A lack of transparency in the allocation and the conditions for withdrawal of gardens, we explain that we do not wish to participate gardeners notice the President because We believe that this procedure is inappropriate.
We demand the establishment of a contradictory state of affairs in the award of the gardens in exchange for the deposit paid.
Thus the association and the gardener will have a record of the state is the garden shed and when the management of plot.
In case of conflict, both parties would have an objective statement.
Regarding point No. 3 on the financial situation
We wish to clarify that we don ' have not expressed a "lack of trust" with respect to the treasurer, but we just want to have answers to the questions we ask.
We wish see also included in the minutes that the president has demanded that we do him a written request for the cost and amortization of a shed. We recall that as a result we have written to him twice but with no response to our request.
The treasurer then kindly send us the requested explanation that he has prepared for this meeting:
The total cost of a shed ( all materials included) is 685 € and its depreciation is spread over cinq ans. Les membres de l'association paient une cotisation de 25 € par an pour la location du cabanon.
Un échange de bonne qualité se déroule alors avec le trésorier qui répond clairement et simplement à diverses questions d'Eugène comme une demande d'explication sur la raison pour laquelle la somme de 108 237,45 € en compte au 17 septembre 2010 sur le compte courant n'est pas placée (cette somme devait être disponible pour payer d'importantes facture d'eau à cette période).
Le trésorier a aussi expliqué que la facture de 21 361,09 € du 25 juillet 2010 concernant the leasing of land to the City of Mulhouse covered all the land for one year.
Finally Eugene has requested to know the details of purchases of materials from POINT P August 31, 2010 for € 1501.98, but this application is very precise and the treasurer did not have the bills in his eyes, he does was able to respond immediately. What we understand.
Le trésorier a aussi expliqué que la facture de 21 361,09 € du 25 juillet 2010 concernant the leasing of land to the City of Mulhouse covered all the land for one year.
Finally Eugene has requested to know the details of purchases of materials from POINT P August 31, 2010 for € 1501.98, but this application is very precise and the treasurer did not have the bills in his eyes, he does was able to respond immediately. What we understand.
regard to water issues in the two Mertzau
We ask that comments made on this issue are more accurately reported, namely: The Chairman replied that the MOSER MERTZAU II was a particular site. Some administrators gardeners to water their fields in the rain. Among them are entrepreneurs who drove a Mercedes. Mr. Moser, who can not tell where the leak comes from, speculates that it could find its origin in the development, in neighborhood, a way for travelers. We suggest the gradual establishment of individual water meters, beginning with the MERTZAU II, which could be a pilot site. Mr. GUÉNIER request the council to appoint to launch a feasibility study and cost of implementation introduction of individual meters in collaboration with the City of Mulhouse. The board could then be better informed.
On the interruption of sales at the initiative of President MOSER
The Chairman concluded the meeting by saying he will no longer offer meeting work pending the review of the Town Hall.
We ask him what was that opinion. Mr. Moser says we have the full support of Mr. CIARLETTA, Deputy Mayor of Mulhouse in charge of the case.
Mr. CIARLETTA, now says he has always opposed the entry of our group to the Board of Directors of the association because he thought it would not work, and that we had not More convened meetings of the Committee on Sustainable Development at the request of Mr. MOSER.
Although the Secretary takes into consider our comments and Gentlemen MOSER Alessandrelli and we are constantly interrupt and refuse to consider our comments. Therefore, with no certainty that these are reflected in the final minutes, we vote against its approval.
General Assembly in 2011
The Chairman informed the Council that the date of the next meeting was set by him in Sunday, February 27, 2011. ;
We noted that it is very early compared to past general assemblies rather organized in March or April.
The president admits no discussion on the topic. It has so decided and it will be so ...
He went on cursing the "Group GUÉNIER" which did nothing for the association and announced he will reintroduce elections and a team he does not want us on the board of administration. It puts us at the challenge to present an adequate list or 7 people with a criminal record!
He will report to the General Assembly to present a review of 20 years.
Obviously, we were not invited to propose any item on the agenda.
Work of the Committee on the articles of association :
We inform the council of the work: draft statutes including some innovations was sent to thirty people.
Major innovations lie in the details added to the object and purpose of the association, the creation of memberships user, member on the waiting list and a member of law, changing the mode of ballot, the amendment number of members of the board and creating a reserve fund.
But the President and Mr. Franco MOSER Alessandrelli intervene violently, we cut the floor to say they were not invited to these meetings, que ce travail n'a aucune valeur à leurs yeux et que de toute façon nous ne serions plus là à la prochaine réunion.
Monsieur GUÉNIER précise qu'il les a bien invités et qu'il a même écrit un courrier au président le 10 octobre 2010 pour demander de pouvoir réunir cette commission dans les locaux de l'association.
Comme d'habitude le président n'a répondu ni au courrier ni aux demandes qu'il contenait.
Comme d'habitude le président n'a répondu ni au courrier ni aux demandes qu'il contenait.
As you see, dear friends, there is work to improve the functioning of the association!