Following the false statements disseminated by Mr. Moser.
Since my retirement, I have a little more time to devote to an area close to my heart, and gardening. We rent a plot for 23 years Walbach street where we tried it with my wife to have a nice family-friendly garden. At a time when we hear more and more development sustainable we have also tried to preserve our cultures practicing gardening without pesticides and fertilizers and composting practice. This is also why I wanted to get involved more in the association and not a purpose polémique.Toutefois, we got through the conduct of Mr. Moser in a critical situation that I can not accept.
You are not Mr. Moser Owner Association, and your behavior "dictatorial" that can create conflicts that we always wanted to avoid. But you refuse any dialogue, any dialogue, tous échanges d’idées, toutes propositions votre théorie étant la seule acceptable à vos yeux.Votre manque de respect permanent, vos allégations mensongères entrainent une situation conflictuelle et je précise que ce n’est pas nous qui en sommes responsables mais bien vous.
Notre seul souhait était de parvenir et toujours dans un esprit positif à plus de transparence pour que chacun ait à cœur de s’engager et pas uniquement sur son lopin de terre.
Nous ne comprenons pas pourquoi vous mettez tant d’obstacles dès que nous posons des questions sur le fonctionnement et management of the association?
Why such aggression towards members elected, with a constant lack of respect for constant attacks and baseless? What do you fear?
Should it remember that you had refused our assistance for the relocation of the workshop, or we were offered without any ulterior motive ...
How can we explain your hatred and your permanent misunderstanding?
Why refuse the work we have accomplished by rewriting the statutes that was greatly exceeded example: Ch3 Article 11 "must be French to be elected to the board," Ch 2 "must be a father." In July 2009 you have even a slight change of the statutes and rules of procedure without refer to an extraordinary General Assembly. We believe this is also a lack of respect vis-à-vis all adhérents.Vous we have deviated from the Sustainable Development Commission, while we participated in the establishment of this commission (and after you dare say we do nothing ... Again we had ideas but always respecting everyone's choices. You're also
Mr. Moser without consultation with concerned have wished to remove gardens Walbach (the City did not impose anything). The gardeners Walbach rallied with a lot of energy to preserve and maintain the maximum. That's your decision who wanted to get rid of this site (you will hardly prove otherwise) We took the initiative to dismantle and assemble sheds and fences, without your help, to free space dévolu au Tram Train et éviter du gaspillage…Je précise aussi que dans une lettre du 14 Février 2008 que vous avez bien reçu, nous vous avons proposé de venir aider bénévolement l’association sans aucune réponse ou proposition de votre part. C’est donc bien vous qui étiez opposé à notre aide…Quand sera-t-il enfin possible d’avoir un dialogue constructif même si cela doit gêner certaines anciennes habitudes, mais toujours dans un esprit de concertation ou tous et non seulement le Président puissent s’exprimer ?
Quand sera-t-il possible qu’on nous écoute, sans qu’il soit immédiatement pensé it is in a spirit of disruptive? When will we gardens dynamic, user-friendly (we did this year a party at Walbach and if you had a different attitude would have been happy to have you with us) but your constant denial is painful for all. One of our gardens has been visited by a kindergarten class ... Our suggestions:
Party organization per site (Fall or Spring or Christmas) holding a flea market around the gardens, meetings with specialists to learn gardening do a better garden, but also sharing of knowledge, consider a group purchase plants and garden equipment, organize a day of work site where everyone can participate, storage, certification, repair fences, gates open (garden tour and the association). Everything remains open with good intentions and new proposals as long as we can listen to each other.
I apologize for the length of the text, but it became too difficult for us to continue to be silent and accept the current situation. Sincerely
Eugene Herrenbrücke
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