Saturday, February 5, 2011

How Do You Get Rid Of Orange Juice Stains

profile prisoners - Ronak Safarzadeh

Ronak Safarzadeh, is a Kurdish activist, a feminist member of the One Million Signatures Campaign, which calls for the repeal of discriminatory laws against women. She was also part of the organization "Azarmehr" in Iranian Kurdistan and Kurdish language teaching


The intelligence officers have edge Ronak October 8, 2007 as she distributed leaflets on "teaching the Kurdish language and s' opposition to honor killings "on the occasion of International Children's Day. She was released a few minutes after his arrest but the officers prevented from distributing its leaflets. The next day, October 9, 2007, intelligence officers attacked his home at 07:00 am and arrested him. His home was ransacked and their belongings confiscated

Charges and convictions

Ronak has spent nearly a year in detention during the time of trial. His trial took place March 12, 2009. April 13, 2009, the Board of Sanandaj of Kurdistan Islamic court sentenced her to six years and seven months in prison. She was accused of Moharebeh (enemy of God) but she was acquitted of that charge. She was also accused of membership in political party "Pedjak" (Party Free Kurdistan). His lawyer, Mohammad Sharif said after his trial "Ronak Safarzadeh activities were limited to feminism and that was the sole purpose of its activities with the Pedjak.

Because of these charges the prosecutor's office, the court used Article 499 of Islamic Penal Code to condemn Ronak Safarzadeh to five years in prison. It took another year for propaganda against the regime and contact Pedjak.

This verdict against the Kurdish militant was set in May 2009 and upheld on appeal was determined to serve his sentence in Sanandaj Central Prison.


In August 2009, while Ronak was Sanandaj's central prison with offenders and dangerous criminals, she was attacked and severely beaten by her fellow prisoners to the orders of the General Counsel of the Kurdistan with the encouragement and security guards. She had serious injuries after these events.



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