Saturday, January 1, 2011

Adding A Name In Singapore Deed Poll

Cher (e) s friend (s) of allotment gardens of the city of Mulhouse,

2011 may also allow our association to move towards greater collaboration, friendliness and serenity.

By the will of the last general meeting, and despite the filibuster of our president in any initiative on our part, which I chair the Committee on the renovation of the statutes and internal regulations of the association will be able to submit a plan to modify the articles around January 15th.

I ask you to read it and send me your comments before the end of January in order to modify it if necessary.

After consulting the mainstay of our association the city of Mulhouse and the board of directors of the association, we propose the adoption of the agenda of the next general meeting.

For now, with Nathan, Andrew and Eugene who work with me on the board change in our association,

We send our best wishes and our friendly greetings.

Bonne année...


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